Thursday, 28 July 2016

Out Cold

Hello again, hope you are well and enjoying the nice hot Summer weather!  A bit too hot for leather and boots?  No, we can always wear leather and boots even though it is Summer.  

Showing you some photos seeing leather booted cops being knocked out cold, chloroformed, tied up then humiliated by their attackers!

Don't forget to follow me at for more explicit photos!!!!

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Cops in Deep Trouble

Hi there, haven't been here for a long while.  My Tumblr blog and Instagram are both doing really well.  Take a look and follow me if you like the photos I have posted.

My thoughts are with the families of those cops who were murdered and shot dead in the States in the recent months.  Such kind of barbaric acts shouldn't be tolerated in this 21st century.

Rest in peace!  Won't post any photos this round to show my respect to those cops who were doing their jobs.